Volunteers are the life-blood of Community Food Rescue (CFR). We literally couldn’t provide donated food to serve our community without them. We’re recruiting new volunteers now to keep up with the donations we’re receiving, particularly from our local farms that have an abundance to donate during this harvest season.

Volunteer Food Runner Bill (red cap) receives donation from Red Wiggler Community Farm
Volunteers transport food directly from food businesses to food assistance organizations and see the donation process from start to finish. “It’s so rewarding to know that food isn’t being wasted and I get to see a slice of our community that most people don’t know exists,” explains Bill Franz, a volunteer since CFR’s inception. “I get to pick up food from a farm, or store, or restaurant and see their operations. Then I visit a food assistance organization and see their good work including providing this food to their clients.”

Teresa Johnson, Kitchen Coordinator at Family Services, Inc. will be cooking up something delicious for clients.
If you are 18 or older with a good driving record we’d love for you to become a volunteer food runner. To ensure that food is handled and transported safely we ask all prospective volunteers to review our food safety guidelines, then take and pass an online multiple choice quiz with 80% or better. It’s all automated, so we encourage those who don’t pass the first time to review the information and take the test again.
Once you pass the quiz, your CFR account is instantly activated and you start receiving emails with food run requests. We mail you a red CFR cap and car magnet to identify yourself during food runs. The first volunteer to claim a food run gets it. You can claim one-time runs or a regular weekly food run between the same donor and recipient. You can also set the distance you wish to travel between your home and donor locations.

Volunteer Food Runner Lila (red cap) delivers frozen food to Pat at the Rainbow Community Development Center
“I love how I get email notices for food runs on my computer and phone and can accept those that fit my schedule,” Bill explains. The mobile app is especially handy when you are driving and have a bit of time to do a food run in the vicinity. This is a great activity to do with your friends, family, or community group. Every year in Montgomery County, 146,000 tons of solid waste is food waste. Last year, CFR network food assistance organizations reported receiving 2.8 million lbs. of donated food. We’re trying to make a difference. With your help we can feed more and waste less.
To learn more about becoming a CFR volunteer food runner and to sign up, visit: