Your Local Farm Roundup!

This year has been an active one in the world of Farm to Food Bank! We worked with 31 Montgomery County Farms this past year to direct 153,277 lbs. of produce to 54 Food Assistance Providers. We are so excited about the work we have been able to accomplish together, and as we look forward to next years’ growing season, we want to highlight a few of our favorite moments.
AfriThrive opened their farm in Poolesville this past summer, and a few Manna staff were lucky to visit this fall and learn more about the culturally considerate crops they grow, most specifically catered towards African immigrants.
Red Wiggler has hosted a plethora of gleans since our partnership with them started, and pictured below most recently in November volunteers helped glean 21 lbs. of kale. This was directed to Hughes United Methodist Church Hub and helped contribute to their total of 324 lbs. of gleaned produce this calendar year!
We had a blast at Common Root Farm back in October, where Jenny Freeman and her team at Community FarmShare shared the various ways in which they are supporting our neighbors through the Food is Medicine and Farm to School programs. We are excited to conduct more farm visits in the New Year, and we will continue to learn about and uplift the various ways local farming is impacting our neighbors!