September is Food Safety Education month , which is a timely reminder to review some food safety practices for home consumers. Should the jar of jam that you just opened go back in the pantry or in the refrigerator? What about the shelf stable box of Almond milk? Health Perch offers the following guidance on 13 common foods that you shouldContinue Reading
We are becoming more and more aware of how much food is being wasted—on the farm, at grocery stores and restaurants, and even at home. In fact, a report by ReFED (a multi-stakeholder non-profit organization committed to reducing food waste, found that most– 83% of the 63 million tons of annually-wasted food in the U.S. –happens after production–40%Continue Reading
By: Andrea Spacht, Sustainable Food Systems Specialist, Healthy People & Thriving Communities Program. Blog Post reprinted with permission from NRDC. Meal prepping was the only way I could get through night classes while working full time. On Sunday afternoon, I would make 5 servings of 2 recipes (one for lunch and the other for dinner)Continue Reading
How often do you wonder whether the food in your refrigerator is safe to eat? You know that block of cheddar cheese with a bit of mold? The carton of eggs dated last month? The once gorgeous spinach from the farmer’s market that now looks limp and unappealing. How about that can of beans inContinue Reading