Recipient Organization Highlights: Yad Yehuda and The Capital Kosher Pantry

Members of the CFR Food Resources Team recently had the opportunity to visit The Capital Kosher Pantry. This is the only Kosher Food Pantry in the greater Washington area. The pantry is one program of the Yad Yehuda organization. The organization was founded in memory of a young man named Yehuda who tragically passed away as a teenager. They hope with all of the good deeds and programs they offer in Yehuda’s memory, there will be more good in the world.
We spoke to Stephanie Savir, the Director of Operations for Yad Yehuda. Stephanie started as a volunteer with the organization. She answered questions so our audience could learn more about Yad Yehuda and the work they are doing.
How long has your organization been in operation?
Our operation has been around for about 18 years. Two years ago, we were able to purchase a building to host all of Yad Yehuda’s charitable programs in one location.
What services do you provide?
We have three core programs and many other sub programs.
The Capital Kosher Pantry is the foundation of all our work. It is stocked with culturally appropriate kosher food and is an absolutely beautiful and dignified space to shop for our recipients. That’s very important to us.
Tomchei Shabbos, which means supporters of the Sabbath, is a program where we give grocery gift cards to income-qualified households.
Emergency Financial Assistance provides financial relief to people facing crises.
Some of their other programs include The Capital Closet which is a free clothing store, burial assistance, support groups for widowed and divorced women, a large lending shed offering space heaters/air conditioners, folding chairs, crutches and wheelchairs individuals can borrow when needed.
How long have you been working with Community Food Rescue?
I believe we have been in the network 7-8 years. We received tremendous support from Jenna Umbriac, Director of Programs at Manna Food Center. The CFR team has also been extremely helpful and culturally sensitive to our need for kosher food donations only. Usually, we get produce through the network, for which we’re very grateful. As a Food Assistance Provider, it’s painful to think about extra food going to waste! Community Food Rescue makes it easy to re-donate food to other FAP’s, (food assistance providers) and prevent waste. You provide an invaluable service!
What has been your organization’s most memorable donation from Community Food Rescue?
At the Jewish holiday of Purim CFR volunteer food runners brought us hundreds of Hamentaschen – a traditional Purim treat-from Sunflower Bakery, which is a kosher-certified bakery. They even sent some gluten-free Hamantaschen.
Again, at Rosh Hashana we got dozens of beautiful honey cakes, (a traditional Rosh Hashana treat), muffins and lots of Challah bread all from Sunflower Bakery through the Community Food Rescue program.
Those donations were so abundant and gorgeous, and our recipients really enjoyed them.
Is there anything else you would like to share about your organization’s experience as part of the CFR network?
We really appreciate the professionalism and spirit of the people we work with at Manna Food Center, through the Community Food Rescue program. The CFR team is consistently available to help us problem solve and direct donations our way. We enjoy meeting the different volunteer food runners who stop by with deliveries. The whole team is warm, dedicated and very kind to work with.
A huge thank you to the Capital Kosher Pantry for being a valuable part of the CFR network and for all the hard work they do serving Montgomery County residents in need. Do you know of a donor business or organization that could provide food donations like those provided to Capital Kosher pantry? Let us know! Please direct these donors to the CFR donation page or send their information to Tricia Thomas at