Local Chefs Turned ‘Ugly’ Produce into Delightful Dishes to Raise Awareness of Hunger and Food Waste in Montgomery County  Photos from the event are available here.  Silver Spring, Maryland — Hundreds of people gathered today to watch two teams of professional and amateur chefs compete in the second annual No Waste, Big Taste: A Rescued Food Cooking
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By: Cheryl Kollin, CFR Program Director “Why don’t more people know about Community Food Rescue and the amazing work that you all do distributing recovered food?” I got this question after I made a presentation about CFR at a local conference. It’s true that while food is being recovered and distributed all the time by
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Community Food Rescue (CFR) has launched the second year of its gleaning initiative. Gleaning is the harvesting of food that would otherwise go unpicked. The crop is left unharvested when there is so little left behind that it is not economical for the farmer to harvest. Or, in the case of “pick your own farms,”
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We are becoming more and more aware of how much food is being wasted—on the farm, at grocery stores and restaurants, and even at home. In fact, a report by ReFED (a multi-stakeholder non-profit organization committed to reducing food waste, found that most– 83% of the 63 million tons of  annually-wasted food in the U.S. –happens after production–40%
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Community Food Rescue (CFR), a program of Manna Food Center, is Montgomery County’s food recovery network. We recover and redistribute all types of surplus and unsold food from grocery stores, restaurants, caterers, farms and institutions to food assistance providers serving people who are food insecure. The commercial kitchen in the Silver Spring United Methodist Church,
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It’s official! This spring, Community Food Rescue (CFR) rescued and distributed our five millionth pound of food, the equivalent of 4.1 million meals to people who are experiencing hunger. In addition, CFR food recipient organizations that have surplus food that they cannot use have also used our ChowMatch app to redistribute the food to other
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