While the global pandemic has upended life as we know it, including disrupting commercial food supply chains, there are some exciting new connections developing in our local food system. One shining example is a new relationship between three food assistance efforts, connected through Manna Food Center’s Community Food Rescue (CFR) program . When many local restaurants and institutions closed, the pandemic left a
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With many food businesses closed during the current coronavirus pandemic, some of those working in food service have found ways to keep busy and give back to the community. Chef Rainer Zinngrebe from Marriott International has been furloughed since March. Over the past two years, he has given his time and expertise to CFR Cooks! as a
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Thanks to you, our Community Food Rescue volunteer food runners, participants in Manna’s Food for Families program are receiving fresh produce and other perishable food, frozen meat and shelf stable food right to their front door. Manna started home deliveries in March, in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, for people who are at high risk.
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Manna Food Center’s Community Food Rescue (CFR) program has stepped up during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing home deliveries of food to people who should not be going out. Thanks to CFR’s volunteer food runners, more than 250 families have received home deliveries of vital food since March 31st. We started home deliveries with Stay
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