April 15th is right around the corner, and most Americans are busy calculating our taxes for 2018. Community Food Rescue (CFR) members — whether you are a food donor business, non-profit recipient organization, or volunteer food runner — may benefit from your food recovery participation. Our matching software, ChowMatch , makes calculating your tax benefits aContinue Reading
Local Chefs Turned ‘Ugly’ Produce into Delightful Dishes to Raise Awareness of Hunger and Food Waste in Montgomery County Gaithersburg, Maryland — Hundreds of people gathered today to watch two teams of professional and amateur chefs compete in No Waste, Big Taste: A Rescued Food Cooking Competition. The competition, organized by Manna Food Center (Manna)Continue Reading
Manna Food Center Kicks off Montgomery County’s First Ever Community Food Rescue Week Events Celebrate the Power of Community to Eliminate Hunger and Feed More While Wasting Less Gaithersburg, Maryland — Manna Food Center (Manna), Montgomery County’s largest food assistance organization, is hosting the county’s first-ever Community Food Rescue Week from October 13 through 20.Continue Reading
Community Food Rescue (CFR) celebrated its third year by expanding our capacity to Feed More and Waste Less by cooking with recovered food. Thanks to a wonderful partnership with the Silver Spring United Methodist Church , Manna Food Center manages the newly-refurbished commercial kitchen as the churches’ mission-driven service to the community. The kitchen provides an expanded opportunity for Community Food Rescue, aContinue Reading
“Now when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap to the very corners of your field, nor shall you gather the gleanings of your harvest.” This passage from Leviticus 19:9 refers to the ancient practice of gleaning food after the harvest leaving food in the field for those in need. ThisContinue Reading
Join Manna Food Center’s Community Food Rescue network for the first-ever Montgomery County Community Food Rescue Week , October 13-20. Fun and informational events throughout the week will educate the public about what we can all do to tackle food waste and hunger in the county. There are many ways to get involved to help amplify our message andContinue Reading
…when it’s actually still safe to eat. How many times have you dug into your refrigerator and pondered whether that wilted lettuce, bruised peach, or moldy cheese was okay to eat? Or perhaps you’ve had a heated debate with a family member or roommate about wasting perfectly good food just because the date on thatContinue Reading
Many of us use navigation devices like Garmin, or web-based apps like Google Maps or Ways, to locate a new restaurant, find the shortest or quickest route between two places, or just find the closest gas station to our current location. These mapping tools have transformed the way we research and navigate our world geographically.Continue Reading
It’s summer and local farms, farmers markets, and grocery stores are once again bursting with delicious fresh produce. Consumers may be shopping at their neighborhood farmers market, bringing home their weekly Consumer Supported Agriculture (CSA) share box, or taking the family to a pick-your-own farm on weekends. Farmers not only reap the economic fruits ofContinue Reading
When it comes to special occasions with catered meals, it’s rare that someone leaves hungry. While abundance is reasonable in times of recognition and celebration, it’s an unfortunate reality that catered events and food waste often go hand in hand. It doesn’t have to be that way. Community Food Rescue (CFR) provides catering companies – and the individualsContinue Reading