Let the gleaning begin! Gleaning is the harvesting of food that would otherwise go unpicked. The crop is left unharvested when there is so little left behind that it is not economical for the farmer to harvest. Or, in the case of “pick your own farms,” the pickings are too slim for customers.
Thanks to the generous gleaning opportunities from Red Wiggler Community Farm, Butler’s Orchard, and Farm at Home, we have gleaned thousands of pounds of produce that would have otherwise gone to waste. Learn how you can get involved by selecting one of the options below.
Be Safe
Food Safety Tips
Read our County-approved Food Safety Guidelines for cooking and handling donated food. Learn how food donors and recipient organizations are protected from liability.

Thank you!
Thank you for being a Community Food Rescue volunteer gleaner. By picking fresh produce after the commercial harvest on local farms, you are preventing good food from being wasted and providing much needed fresh produce to people with limited resources.