Feeding More and Wasting Less: 2017 Impact

The numbers are in, and we’re excited to report on the progress we made in 2017! CFR network members worked together to recover and redirect nearly 1.8 million pounds of food last year. That’s the equivalent of 1.2 million meals delivered to organizations feeding Montgomery County neighbors who experience hunger rather than being wasted.
It’s about more than just pounds of food, however. We are proud to report that in our second full year of operation, we grew our network of food donors, hunger relief organizations and volunteers by nearly 40 percent. Nineteen new food businesses – including two big-box stores, three caterers and two farms – are now feeding more and wasting less as part of the CFR network. One of our newest food donor members, Takoma Park Silver Spring Co-op, offers produce and packaged goods three times a week to food recipient organizations like Adventist Community Services of Greater Washington and Shepherd’s Table!

TPSS Co-op generously donates surplus foods like produce, packaged items and dry goods to CFR network recipients three times per week.
Sixteen new recipient organizations – including three public schools, five churches, and two transitional housing programs – are making sure rescued food is getting to individuals and families who need it. And of course, that wouldn’t be possible without our volunteer food runners, and we welcomed 36 new food runners in 2017!
Looking forward, we’re excited to continue expanding our network and our impact. You can help by joining us as a volunteer food runner, or by sharing our brochure with your favorite restaurant, caterer, grocer, or farmer to donate food or with a food pantry, school, or church to receive food.