We are becoming more and more aware of how much food is being wasted—on the farm, at grocery stores and restaurants, and even at home. In fact, a report by ReFED (a multi-stakeholder non-profit organization committed to reducing food waste, found that most– 83% of the 63 million tons of  annually-wasted food in the U.S. –happens after production–40%
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Community Food Rescue (CFR), a program of Manna Food Center, is Montgomery County’s food recovery network. We recover and redistribute all types of surplus and unsold food from grocery stores, restaurants, caterers, farms and institutions to food assistance providers serving people who are food insecure. The commercial kitchen in the Silver Spring United Methodist Church,
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It’s official! This spring, Community Food Rescue (CFR) rescued and distributed our five millionth pound of food, the equivalent of 4.1 million meals to people who are experiencing hunger. In addition, CFR food recipient organizations that have surplus food that they cannot use have also used our ChowMatch app to redistribute the food to other
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April 15th is right around the corner, and most Americans are busy calculating our taxes for 2018. Community Food Rescue (CFR) members — whether you are a food donor business, non-profit recipient organization, or volunteer food runner — may benefit from your food recovery participation. Our matching software, ChowMatch , makes calculating your tax benefits a
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Local Chefs Turned ‘Ugly’ Produce into Delightful Dishes to Raise Awareness of Hunger and Food Waste in Montgomery County Gaithersburg, Maryland — Hundreds of people gathered today to watch two teams of professional and amateur chefs compete in No Waste, Big Taste: A Rescued Food Cooking Competition. The competition, organized by Manna Food Center (Manna)
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Manna Food Center Kicks off Montgomery County’s First Ever Community Food Rescue Week Events Celebrate the Power of Community to Eliminate Hunger and Feed More While Wasting Less Gaithersburg, Maryland — Manna Food Center (Manna), Montgomery County’s largest food assistance organization, is hosting the county’s first-ever Community Food Rescue Week from October 13 through 20.
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Community Food Rescue (CFR) celebrated its third year by expanding our capacity to Feed More and Waste Less by cooking with recovered food. Thanks to a wonderful partnership with the Silver Spring United Methodist Church , Manna Food Center manages the newly-refurbished commercial kitchen as the churches’ mission-driven service to the community. The kitchen provides an expanded opportunity for Community Food Rescue, a
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Join Manna Food Center’s Community Food Rescue network for the first-ever Montgomery County Community Food Rescue Week , October 13-20. Fun and informational events throughout the week will educate the public about what we can all do to tackle food waste and hunger in the county. There are many ways to get involved to help amplify our message and
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