10 reasons you might think food’s gone bad…

…when it’s actually still safe to eat.
How many times have you dug into your refrigerator and pondered whether that wilted lettuce, bruised peach, or moldy cheese was okay to eat? Or perhaps you’ve had a heated debate with a family member or roommate about wasting perfectly good food just because the date on that carton of milk is two weeks older than today’s date. Author, Maggie Angst gives you 10 things to remember when determining whether to eat it or toss it. Read the full story here, published by Insider Magazine.
Beyond these 10 suggestions to avoid wasting food at home, how can you change your (and your family’s) behavior? The US Environmental Protection Agency has adopted the Food: Too Good To Waste Toolkit (FTGTWT) for reducing the waste of household food. You could reduce food waste by 50% or more, which is about a half pound per person per week. The average family could save more than $30 per week, $1600 per year. In addition to saving money, you are saving water, energy and other natural resources that go into producing, packaging, and transporting food that gets to our plates.
The Natural Resources Defense Council teamed up with the AdCouncil to create a fun and effective public education campaign around food waste. Watch the two minute video, “The Extraordinary Life and Times of Strawberry.” They’ve also created fun and engaging tips on how to plan, shop, cook, and store food to prevent food waste. Check it out at savethefood.com.
With these great resources and fun facts, you will be ready for the next family debate about whether to toss it or eat it.